Does your etrike have a name? If so, how did you name them? Did you give them a name you would give a person, like Betty or Howard or something? Or is the name you gave your trike akin to something you might bestow on a pet, like Pumpkin or Spot or Patches? And how apparent was this name?
Either way, we know many of you out there have an undeniable connection with your LT, making it impossible not to name!
Did you know that researchers have long acknowledged that there is "great power in naming things"? This was noted by psychologist Suzanne Degges-White. Naming a possession not only indicates affection but also triggers further bonding with that object—consider the fact that people who raise animals for food rarely name their animals. The act of naming cements psychological ownership—the feeling that something is yours. Interesting, huh?
Recently we asked our Liberty Trike Group to tell us if they named their LTs and what the names were. Let's just say, that trike naming post received great comments about people’s processes for naming their LTs, as well as the names they came up with. We liked them so much that we thought they deserved their own post.
Below you will find the direct link to the post and a first attempt at capturing the trike names shared in the group. Thanks to all contributors.
“Angela” – because she is white and she is my angel who guided me out of the house & back into the outdoor world
@Randy Globus
"Aquafina" – Mine is the Aqua @Elena Burr
"Astro Jetson" – because the last time I had a trike was when ‘the Jetsons’ cartoon was on TV! @Lizz Litteral Levy
"Bianca" – Mine's white. It's a slightly punny derivative of the French "Blanc" and Spanish "Blanca," both translating as "white." @Connie Howell
"Birdie" – I live in a bird sanctuary in Sarasota, FL. I have the biggest, fattest blue jays I've ever seen, living in the wetlands behind me. They swoop across my yard like rockets and supervise me when I'm gardening. So, I picked Birdie as a name for my blue bike. @Ashberry Petro
"Bluebell" – I love riding to that area in behind where I worked years ago in Bloomington, MN. @Ginny Hill Butz
"Clementine" – I have an orange trike and the first song I learned to play on the guitar “Oh My Darling Clementine” and that she is! @Cheryl Dizmang
"Cloud 9 " – @Sharon Young
"Cream Puff" – Mine is cream in color @Dinna Kelley Berardinelli Verrier
"DC TEAL" – I have a Teal Trike and I wanted to do a play on Electric Eel but Electric Teal is too many letters on a license plate. I decided on DC TEAL, DC for direct current (battery). I have been out enjoying and loving my new lease on life. @Lisa Tufts McDermott
"Dory" – Like in 'Finding Dory/ Nemo. We both are absent minded at times. Lol....she's teal like water! @Susan Ortolf
"Easy Rider" – My Trike is Red. My license plate says Easy Rider! @Randolph Morgan
"Foxy D" – Red Trike @Doris Jackson Holmes
“Free Rein” – Mine is teal. I call her “Free Rein”. I have MS with limited ability to walk any distance. She provides me with unhampered freedom of movement, choice, or action, as defined:). Love my trike!! @Maureen Berry
"Gaspee" – After the tax ship the people from RI burned down - thought it needed a patriotic / revolutionary war name being a LIBERTY trike it was shipped on the anniversary of the Rhode Island Declaration of Independence. It’s the 250th anniversary of the the burning of the Gaspee and the shooting of Lt. Duningston. The plan was orchestrated by merchant John Brown who had the town crier announcing it. I’m looking for a bike horn that plays Glory Glory Hallelujah because it’s also the name of the abolitionist whom the song was written about. @Bethany Hyland Brown
"Happy Days" – My trike is teal. Pretty self-explanatory! @Elaine Baker Varvel Peacock

"Pixie" – I had a few ideas and asked my youngest granddaughter to pick. She chose Pixie. So that is what my pink trike is called. Pink Pixie. @Marsha D Higginbotham
"Prince" – My trike is purple I live in Minneapolis...His name is Prince! @Debbra Myers
"A Joy Ride" – She's purple and was named Prince but I renamed her "A Joy Ride" just like my Limousine service I owned for 14 years @Joy Taylor
"Purple people eater" and "Grape poupon" – My wife and I both have purple trikes...hers is named the Purple people eater...and mine is name the Grape poupon! @Steve Gifford
"Purple Plum" – My dad called me Plum, so an homage to him @Carol Wicklund Martin
"Red Dragon" – because she flies. @Judith Kerman
"Rosata" – I have a pink trike @Andi Baltes
"Salty" – Mine is white and I live by the beach. @Vikki Slavik
"Scarlett" – My red trike and I’m gone with the wind when I ride her! @Suzanne Blatchford
“Summer Breeze” – After the Seals and Crofts song. “Summer Breeze makes me feel fine….” @Linda McErlean
"Tabatha" – My trike is teal. No particular reason other than it starts with a T and it’s a cute name and it’s a cute bike! And I look good in teal @Rosalie Cutcher Moore Phillips
"Teal Flo" – A reminder of my dear mom who passed from Ovarian Cancer. Her name is Florence and I know she wants me to have fun! @Jeanne Tate
“Thunder” for my husband’s black LT and “Breezy Blue” for my turquoise LT. @Laura McCants Reddick-Reichert
"Turtle" – My teal turtle @Rose MacAfee Akers
"Trikie" – Teal trike, named Trikie. @Lisa Tong
"Violet" – My purple trike! @Karen Holman
"Wild Spirit" – @Sharon Anne Henson
Do you love your Liberty Trike? We'd love to hear more from you. Feel free to email us at !